WeAreKuba, promote and represent musical groups and artists (Dancers, Painters, Gymnasts, Acrobats and all entertainers in general), some of them based in Asia and Middle East. Also we have extra offers, giving you the opportunity to feel Cuba closer.
Our desire is that you have the opportunity to find in our catalog what you are looking for and we guarantee your establishment will have the Cuban atmosphere that you need.
We count with a extended variety in our catalog:
- Musicians (Instrumental soloists, Vocal soloists, duets, trios, quartets, quintets and bigger formats).
- Dancers in all their varieties (Ballet, Flamenco, Folclor, Contemporaneo, etc). All conforming a big show-entertainment for you.
- EXTRA OFFER: Bartenders (Mojito, Daiquiris, Cuba Libre and others cubans and international cocktails including show-making), Cigar makers, Hair style, Manicure, Master class of salsa dancing, ballet, popular dancing, and modern-contemporaneous and also other kind of people that you need to contract from Cuba, we can find for you.
Here you can find whatever you are looking for, just contact us and you will have the best attention. The artists will be confirmed after signing the contract. We have the best prices and the most professionals artist in Cuba. Please check with us our Media Gallery and you will never regret choosing us.
WeAreKuba es una empresa dedicada a promover y representar a Músicos y Artistas Cubanos (Bailarines, Pintores, Gymnastas, Acrobatas y todo tipo de entretenimiento en general). Tambien les brindamos ofertas extra, dandole la oportunidad de sentir a Cuba mas cerca de usted.
Nuestro deseo es que usted tenga la oportunidad de encontrar en nuestro catalogo lo que busca y le garantizamos que su establecimiento tendra el ambiente cubano que necesita.
Contamos con una extensa variedad en nuestro catalogo:
- Músicos (Solistas instrumentistas, solistas vocalistas, duos, trios, quartetos, quintetos y formatos mayores, profesores de diversos niveles e instrumentos (piano, saxofon, bombardino, flauta, percucion)
- Bailarines en todas sus variedades (Ballet, Flamenco, Folclor, Contemporaneo, etc) Todo conformando un gran espectáculo para usted.
- OFERTA EXTRA: Bartender (Mojito, Daiquiris, Cuba Libre y otros tipos de cocteles cubanos e internacionales incluyendo show) Tabaqueros, Manicuris, Hair styling, Clases magistrales (Salsa, ballet, bailes populares, danza moderna y contemporanea).Y ademas todo tipo de persona que usted necesite contratar, se lo podemos buscar.
Aqui usted puede encontrar lo que desee. Solo escribanos y tendra la mejor atención. Por favor contactenos para actualizarlo sobre la disponibilidad de nuestros artistas. Los artistas seran confirmados despues de firmar el contrato. Tenemos los mejores precios y los profesionales de mayor calidad en Cuba. Por favor consulte nuestra Galeria de Multimedia y nunca se arrepentirá de habernos elegido.
About us: